short answer test questions examples for School Teaching Candidate
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Multicellular Organisms:
Bigger than unicellular organism.
Each type of cell has special job to do.
Found in water (hydra, fish) as well as on land (eagle, fern, coconut free).
Our body consists of twenty different types of cells.
Some important are mentioned below.
Nerve cell:
Curry messages around the body.
Contracts to bring about movement.
Red blood cell:
Carry oxygen around the body.
Cells of the same type working together to perform the some job.
For Examples of tissue, Epithelial tissue, Muscle tissue (animal tissues).
Epidermal tissue, Photosynthetic tissue (plant issue).
Different tissues working together to do particular job. Organ can perform one or more functions.
Common Animal Organ:
1. Heart 2. Lungs 3. Liver 4. Stomach 5. Kidney pARATION ACADEMY MORO
Common Animal Organ:
1. Leaves 2. Roots 3. Stems 4. Flowers
Our body is made up of different systems.
A system consists of a group of organs working together to perform a particular function.
Systems in our body:
1. Digestive system 2. Respiratory system 3. Circulatory system 4. Nervous system 5. Excretory system.
Systems in plant:
1) Shoot system: Grow above the soil.
2) Root system:
The various systems in the body together make up an organism such a human being.
Grow below the soil
Robert Hook was the first scientist who observed the cell in a piece of cork in 1665.
All living things are made of cell.
Cells are the basic unit of living things.
Cells are very tiny and can only be seen with a microscope.
The cells in the outer most layer of our skin are dead.
The cells in all animals have almost same size.
Animal cell:
Main parts of an animal cells one mentioned below.
1) Cell Membrane:
It is a thin layer around the cell. If only allows some substances 15 pass through it, stops others.
2) Cytoplasm:
It is a Jellylike substances which fills up the cel and contains many chemicals.
3) Vacuoles:
These are the spaces containing air, liquid or food particles found in cytoplasm.
4) Nucleus:
It controls all the chemical reaction of the cells. It contain chromosome.
5) Chromosome:
These are thread like materials that are passed down from the parents to their off spring.
Plant Cell:
Plant cell also consist of a cell membrane, nucleus, vacuole and cytoplasm like an, animal cell. Their properties
and functions in plant cell are
1) Cell membrane
2) Nucleus
3) Vacuole
4) Cytoplasm
5) Chloroplast:
These are tiny discs containing a green substance called Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll traps the sun light that
plants need to make food through process of photo synthesis.
6) Large vacuole:
It is large and forms the biggest part of cell. If fills with cell sap which contains water and dissolved substance
like, sugar, sabt.
7) Cell wall:
It is a thick layer around the cell. It allows all substance 15 pass through made up of cellulose. If gives regular
Unicellular Organisms
These are usually found in water i-e, pond, lakes, rivers and seas or an moist area like tree trunks and
in the soil.
Ability to perform all process, feeding, spring. Smaller in Size.
Examples: Paramecium and Amoeba (Unicellular Animals), Chlamydomonas and Euglenas (Unicellular plants).

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