Career Opportunity In Water and Power Development Authority WAPDA

Career Opportunity In Water and Power Development Authority WAPDA Currently long for competent and dedicated dynamic , self motivated retired personnel of Armed Forces only those persons who have completed rank or colored service for the folowing positions ikely to be permanent en completion of One year protetion period on satisfactory performance As per Rules and Policy of WAPDA Following Another Open Vacancy In Other Departments CLICK NOW Position Sr. Vigilance Officer Vigilance Officer Assistant Vigilance Officer Vigilance Inspector Vigilance Officer or Superintendent Assistant Vigilance Inspector Qualification s Retired Armed Force Junior Commission office rank second class or c grade from board or University Last Date 21-112-2020 Instructions and Guidance Candidates applying on prescribed application form for posts available at wapda will be considered for shortlisting. All candidates will be selected on merit Serving candidates are advise troug...