Free Twelve Months Training Opportunity with Stipend

Free Twelve Months Training Opportunity with Stipend Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Human Resource Research and Development Board has been providing vocational short term training courses with monthly stipend since 2008. Now BBSHRRDB is offering 3 to 12 months comprehensive vocational short term training Courses for the unemployed youth of Sindh aged between 18 to 35 years holding valid CNIC. Monthly Stipend and dislocation allowance (if applicable) will also be paid to the trainees. Online applications are invited for training courses in following employable sectors from unemployed youth holding Sindh Province Domicile. Last date of submission of online application forms is 15 days from the date of Publication of this advertisement. Sectors/Trades/ Courses BENAZIR BHUTTO SHAHEED HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT BOARD UNIVERSITIES & BOARDS DEPARTMENT RDB GOVERNMENT OF SINDH FREE TRAINING WITH STIPEND FOR UNEMPLOYED YOUTH OF SINDH IN QUALITY TRAINING INSTITUTIONS ONLINE APPLICATIONS...