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Q1. New name of Burma ?
A. Rangoon B. Myanmar C. Chilli D. None of these
Q2. Total members countries of ASEAN are
A. 8 B. 10C. 18 D. None of the above.
Q3. Olympics 2020 will be held in which city .
A. Beijing B. Tokyo C. New Delhi D. None of the above.
Q4. What is the Name of Turkey Foreign Minister who visited Pakistan on 14 September 2018?
A. MevlutCavusoglu B. Adnan Menderes C. Refik Sadam D. SafaGiray
Q5. Pakistan army has contributed RS
in the Supreme Court's Fund for Diamer
Bhasha and Mohmand Dam?
A. 2 billion B. 3 billion C. 1 billion D. 5billion
Q6. Who is the Current Minister of Buergy Department in Sindh?
A. Syed Sardar Ali ShahB. Mr. Muhammad Ismail Rahu
C. DrAzraFazal Pechuho D. Imitaz Ahmed Shaikh
Q7. Who defeated Pakistan in the Asian games hockey semifinal by 1-0 on 30th August 2018?
A. Japan B. India C, Malaysia' D. S.korea
Q8. First Commander in-Chief of Pak Army was
A. Frank Miservi B. Ayoub khan C.J. Marshall D.None of these
Q9. Which becomes first country to celebrate New Year 2018?
A. Samioa B. Australia C. New Zealand D. Iceland
Q10. This country won the Hopman Cup 2018 Australia?
A. Switzerland B. Australia C.New Zealand D. England
Q11. Who is the Current Minister of Education Department in Sindh?
A. Syed Sardar Ali Shah B. Mr. Muhammad Ismail Rahu
C. DrAzra Fazal Pechuho D. Syed Ghani

Q1. The most densest substance on the earth is:
A, Platinum B. Copper C. Steel D. Iron
Q2. Electric current is measure by
A. Commutator B. Anemometer C. AmmeterD. Voltmeter
Q3. Among the biotic components of the ecosystem, the producer system is
A. Sea B. Rivers C. Green Plants D. Animals
Q4. Process of photosynthesis cannot occur in absence of
A. Oxygen B. carbon dioxide C. carbon monoxide D. nitrogen
Q5. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from?
A. atmosphere B. chlorophyll C. light D. soil
Q6. Energy posses by a body in motion is called
A. Kinetic EnergyB. Potential Energy C. Both of Above D. None of Above
Q7. What is displacement ?
A. Longest distance covered by a body in arandom direction.
B. Shortest distance covered by a body in a random direction.
C. Shortest distance covered by a body in a definite direction.
D. Longest distance covered by @bodyÃn a definite direction
Q8. Chloroplast is absent in...
A. Plant B. Animal C. Nucleus D. All of the above
Q9. Who discovered Atom?
A. Madam Currie B. James Chadwick C. Rutherford D. John Dalton
Q10. Isotopes have same:
A. Atomie mass B. Atomic number C. Molecules D. Atoms
Qi.Noise is:
A. Lond'sound B. Sound of high frequency C. Unwanted sound D. Constant s
Q12.Tracheoles are found in
A. Insects B. Fish gillc. Yeast cells D. Diaphragm
Q7. The day after the day after tomorrow is four days before Monday. What day is it today?
A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Thursday
Q8.Ata conference, 12 members shook hands with each other before & after the meeting. How
many total number of hand shakes occurred?
A. 100 B. 132 C. 145 D. 144
Q9. 6+(5x42+3)=_
A. 89 B. 98 C. 99 D. 100
Q11. A jogger running at 9 kmph alongside a railway track in 240 950 metres ahead of the
Q10. (-10)x(-100)=_
A. -100 B. -1000 C. -10000 D. 1000
engine of a 120 metres long train running at 45 kmph in the same direction. In how much
time will the train pass the jogger?
C. 36 sec
A. 3.6 sec
B. 18 sec
D. 72 sec
Q12. Two trains are moving in opposite directions 60 kmhrřund 90 km/hr. Their lengths are 1.10
km and 0.9 km respectively. The time taken by the slower train to cross the faster train in
seconds is
C. 48
A. 36
B. 45
D. 49
Q13. Co-ordinates of Origin are:
B. (1,1)
D. (1,0)
C. (0,0)
A. (0,1)
Q14. Find the one which does not belong to that group?
A. Pakistan : Rupee
C. Quwait: Dinar
D. Australia : Pound
B. America: Dollar
Q15. Find the ong.which does not belong to that group?
C. Triangle
A. Square
D. Circle
B. Cube
Q16. Find the onè which does not belong to that group?
QU. Tue marked price is 10% higher than the cost price. A discount of 10% is given on the
marked price, in this kind of sale the seller
C. loses 1%
A. Bears no loss no gain
B. gains
D. None of these
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Q15. The city is a unique blend of tradition and
because it still retains its old world
charm despite rapid urbanisation.
(A) history
(B) progress
D) retrogression
Q16. Antonym of "Foe'" is
A Friend
D. None orhese
B. Enemy
C. Classmate
Q17. "TO EGG ON" means?
A. to advice
B. to ask
C. to urge
Q18. Through which light cannot pass?
D Opaque
C. Obscure
B. Dark
A. Dull
Q19. Which mark is used for Semicolon
C. hoften
D. colum
B. left side click
A. None
Q20. Wow! Ah! Oh! And No! are usually used as
C. emerjection
D. Adjective
B. Conjuction
A. Preposition
Q1. Masood purchased a plot for Rs. 8,000. He seli ihe plot to Aftab at a profit of 20%. Aftab
in turn sells that plot to Zahid at a loss øf 20The plot costs Zahid?
A. Rs. 12,000 B. Rs. 10,000 C. Rs. 8670D. Rs. 7680
02. It is Khadijah's birthday today One year from now she will be twice as old as she was 10
cars ago. Calculate the presént age of Khadijah.
A. 19 years B. 21 years 24years D. 27 years
Q3. Complete the sequeace 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 23, 29
A. 15, 17 B. 17, 19 C. 419 D. 18, 21
Q4. What will be the next in sequence: 19 9 298 39?
A. 59 B.49CIND. 7
Q5. Iosen he missing word.
Bird (Dop) Pills
Grip ..) Elbow
A. Pil B. Pile C. Pills D. File
Q6. If 45% students fail and 550 pass total number of students?
A. 1100 B. 1000 C.900 D. 850
Q12. To Prophet the Injeel was revealed by Allah?
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) B. Prophet Dawood (A.S)
D. Prophet Moosa (A.S)
C. Prophet Essa
Q13. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had_
A. 1 B.2 C.3 D. .4
Q14. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to
A. Hashmi B. Quraishi C. Makki
D. Madni
Q15. What companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title ofThe Lion of Alah"?
A. Umar Farooque (R.A) B. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)
C. Khalid Bin waleed(R.A) D. Hamza bin Abdul Mutalib (R.A)
Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions set below it.
Many doctors flatly refused to believe Jenner when he announced that he had found a
preventive against smallpox. They declared vaccination to be a dangerous practice. But the
dread of smallpox was in everybody's heart, and people flocked to Jenner to be vaccinated.
The Latin word for cow is 'Vacca', it is the root from which the word vaccination was formed.
Some of the 'vacca' used by Jenner were not pure and some harms were done; but when
supplies of pure vaccine were available. the practice of vaccinating spread all over England
and from England to other countries. We hardly hear of outbreaks of smallpox now.
Q1.The passage describes-
(A) how smallpox may be treated (B) how vaccines were manufactured in England
C)the dangers of vaccination éspecially for children
(D) the gradual acceptance of vaccination as a preventive against smallpox
Q2. Vaccination sometimes proved harmful because-
(A) vaccination was a dangerous practice
(B) some of thè vaccines used were of a poor hygienic standard
(C) there are physiological differences between cows and human beings
(D vaccunation is given at a very early age
Q3. People hastened to get themselves vaccinated because-
(A) many doctors supported Jenner's claims (B) fear of the terrible disease drove them to take
the risk of vaccination
(C)supplies of pure vaccine had now become available (D) the practice of vaccinating had
spread all over the world